The Impact of Travel the Road

The Impact of Travel the Road

This month, as we reflect on the years that have passed since we first began our missionary journeys in 1998, we are so blessed to read the dynamic testimonies of how people have been impacted by Travel the Road and thus chosen a life of missions. Most striking is the fact that many youth who grew up watching Travel the Road, since it first aired in 2003, are now young adults and making the decision to become missionaries. 

He is Our Protector

He is Our Protector

"Are you ever afraid about your safety?” is a question we hear a lot and one that we love to answer. All throughout the Bible we see the Lord telling His children not to fear and to trust in His power and protection. In this message we are going to look at some of those scriptures and see why fear is used as a scheme of the enemy to keep us from living a confident and abundant life in Him and for Him. We will also look at ways in which we as children of God can fight fear with faith.

Drive and Calling: Knowing the Difference

Drive and Calling: Knowing the Difference

“Live your calling (or “passion” as some will refer to it) and follow your dreams.” This is a statement that has a lot of motivational essence but is difficult for many to achieve. Everybody wants to live out their calling/passion, but why do so many fall short? Many times, people don’t know what a calling truly is. A calling is something that is irresistible. We have to do it. It is a force that pulls us toward it and we feel empty without it. A calling can be exchanged and suppressed because of fear, but below the surface, it is still there. A calling is something we were born to do. However, living out a calling in life is not simple, nor is it attained with little effort. For example, the Apostle Paul was given his calling to spread the Gospel around the world and he suffered for it.

Q&A Part 3 with Travel the Road

Q&A Part 3 with Travel the Road

How does one get involved in missions once they feel the call?

Sometimes people feel the call, and they know intimately in their hearts that God is leading them to missions. The trouble is, sometimes, they’ll get that calling crushed and never see it happen. It usually comes from fear. That’s where you really need to build up your faith in the Lord. If God is calling you to do it, you need to take action. Just like a high school student with the calling to be a doctor. When graduating, they take a decisive step to go to medical school. They take active and practical steps to accomplish their calling

Q&A Part 2 with Travel the Road

Q&A Part 2 with Travel the Road

Of the places you have NOT been, where are you most looking forward to going to?

I would say that there are certain countries in West Africa, especially places like Nigeria and Ghana, that we haven’t even had an opportunity to go to yet, and we’re really looking forward to getting over there. West Africa is definitely a new territory for us, and we want to be able to pioneer it sometime in the future.

Q&A Part 1 with Travel the Road

Q&A Part 1 with Travel the Road

Tim Scott answers questions from Facebook

1. Did you guys have any degrees or special training before you went out on the mission field, or did you just study the Bible daily with prayer and head out?

I had a four-year degree in Biblical studies, and William, as most people know, wasn’t a believer at the time. Most of the training, however, came when we were overseas. Before you go out into the field it’s very important to be rooted in the Word of God. You need to know who and what you are in Christ Jesus, but you’re going to grow more as you begin to minister on the field, because you’re going to be among the people and experience different cultures and places. A lot of the knowledge that came was through experience and allowing the Word of God to be implanted on the inside of us as we were traveling from country to country

How Can We Change the Missions Culture?

How Can We Change the Missions Culture?

How can opportunities, culture and environment shape the perception of missions in the global church today?

Recently, we read a news article about the entrance exams taken by 25,000 students in the West African country of Liberia. The headline said this, “Not a single new student will be admitted into the University of Liberia this year after nearly 25,000 candidates failed the school’s admission exam.” Not a single one in 25,000 passed! Why? For starters, years of war, corruption and low standards in education have laid a culture of underachievement and made it virtually impossible for youth in Liberia to have a chance at higher knowledge. These results in Liberia are simply a result of environment, culture and opportunity

Five Principles to Live By

Five Principles to Live By

Everyone wants to change, make themselves better, healthier, smarter, achieve more, et cetera, but few actually accomplish it. For many people, years pass and regrets build. Failure and unhappiness creep in and soon you are met with a crisis. But you can avoid these struggles! Take faith and know God has great plans for you. Here is a list of principles that will help you effect the change you want to see in your life.