Praying into the Great Commission

Praying into the Great Commission: How to be actively involved in the Great Commission from right where you are

 How can we always be involved and active in the Great Commission? One huge role and need for missions and the culture of missions is prayer. All throughout scripture we see Jesus telling us to pray for the Church, the laborers, the Body of Christ.

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10:2)

 Usually when we think about praying for the nations we think about exactly that: praying for the nations. However, Jesus constantly tells us to pray for the laborers going into the harvest, for those who are going to the nations. In John 17, Jesus prays to Father God on behalf of Christians.

"That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."  
(John 17:21)

Jesus models a life of prayer and if Jesus prayed for the laborers and the Church, then so should we. Here is a quote from David Platt’s book, Radical: 

“When Jesus looked at the harassed and helpless multitudes, apparently His concern was not that the lost would not come to the Father. Instead His concern was that His followers would not go to the lost.”

This quote can not say it any better. We must pray that we, the Church, would go to the lost. That going to the lost would be at the forefront of our mind and our main focus on this earth. God chose us to carry the ministry of reconciliation, to show His love, and to preach the Gospel. Isn’t it neat that you can play such a huge and vital role in the Great Commission from right where you are? “Give.Go.Pray” has been a motto of Travel the Road for the past 16 years. Yes, we need finances and appreciate your giving but without prayer everything would be done in vain. Without prayer we wouldn’t have the doors open and the hearts ready to receive Christ Jesus as we preach the Gospel to all creation. Your prayers constantly pave the way for the work of the Lord to go forth! That is how you can stay actively involved in the Great Commission from right where you are, by praying. There are many things you can pray for but here are just a few to get you started:

· You can pray for the Lord to send laborers into the harvest and you can pray for the laborers that are already in the Harvest. That the Lord will provide finances, open doors for ministry, and move through them in a mighty way.

· That eternity would be awakened in the hearts of those who have not heard the Gospel and that the ones who speak would speak with great boldness about the hope, which we have in Him.

· Pray for protection against the attacks of the enemy and the physical ailments of this world.

· Pray for the individual relationships that missionaries have with the Lord. That they would continue to run to Him as their refuge and strong tower.

· Pray for their time in His Word, that He would speak to them and fill them afresh with the joy of their salvation and His heart for the lost.

· Pray that the Holy Spirit would be poured out among the nations and that every tribe, nation, and tongue would know Him and whom He has sent.

If you are looking to dive deeper into prayer we recommend our book “Prayers that Prevail” written by Alan Scott (Tim’s Dad). This book goes through the different types of prayer, the scriptures in which we find them, and how to practically apply them. Are you interested in being a prayer partner with Travel the Road? Follow us on Facebook to receive updates and prayer requests from us as we reach the unreached with the Gospel.

May His Word continue to go forth in power and touch every heart that has not heard of the salvation and life found in Him! Thank you for your partnership in prayer!

"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, [be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:18)

Travel the Road