
Notes on Healing: Part One

Notes on Healing: Part One

It IS God’s will to Heal You: Often times, believers will question whether it is truly God’s will to heal. Sometimes Christians will say in times of distress or affliction, “Who knows what the will of God is? Perhaps this sickness is His plan for a greater good?” or they will proclaim without knowledge that, “God’s will is mysterious and indiscernible” or furthermore pray in unbelief saying, “Lord, if it’s Your will, heal me.” Simply stated, those types of comments are unbelief and the opposite of what the Bible says. Healing is part of God’s redemptive plan.

Decisive Aim

Decisive Aim

Life on earth basically comes down to a constant flow of decisions. Whether you realize it or not you’re making decisions every moment. You decide what you will eat, where you will work, what time you will get up, what values you will follow, what you say to others, how you react to others, et cetera. From the smallest decisions like selecting your morning cereal to the largest decision like choosing to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior — Decisions are the fabric of life.

Gaining Wisdom

Gaining Wisdom

Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment. Today, in modern society, when we hear the word “wisdom” or refer to someone as “wise” it is usually in reference to their financial success or social standing. However, this is not wisdom. Those things might be attributed to some who are wise, but financial glories and fame are not the definitions of wisdom.

Hard Work

Hard Work

The Talk Illusion: Talk doesn’t equal results. Often times, our minds will play a trick on us by giving the illusion that talking or thinking about something means that action has taken place on it. Think about it for a moment, have you ever prepared a to-do list and by the time you are done listing the items you feel wore out, but yet happy, like you have accomplished something.

The God Type of Heart: Part Two - Moses

The God Type of Heart: Part Two - Moses

Part Two: Moses — Moses grew up in a time where his people, the Hebrews, were oppressed by the Egyptians. His life was suppose to end at birth. The Egyptians, who feared the rise of the enslaved Hebrews sent an edict throughout the land that all newborn male Hebrews were to be thrown into the Nile and drowned. Moses, whose mother couldn't bare this outcome, set him in the reeds of the Nile hoping life would find him.

The Earthquake: Part One

The Earthquake: Part One

The Earthquake: Day One - 11:56 AM Thamel District - Kathmandu, Nepal: A low rumble of what seems like a large truck passing by begins to vibrate the desk I am working at in our 2nd floor room. But something is different. The vibration begins to increase and I take my hands from the desk and lift them up like I have done something to cause this. I then look at a water bottle near me as it teeters around in a dancing motion and then falls to the ground. The deep rumble increases and the entire room begins to sway. I look over to William and both of our eyes grow wider as the vertigo motion takes hold. It feels as if we are aboard a ship in high waves and passing over debris. The rumble increases and from every direction we hear screams of terror.