Travel the Road

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Fruit of Travel the Road

We would like to share some testimonies about how Travel the Road has made an impact for missions through the television series. These testimonies are an encouragement to us because they show the fruit of the ministry and the impact it is having in the lives of many. We look forward to a new generation who will carry the light, unashamed of the name of Jesus, and reach the entire world with the Gospel. But if we don’t encourage and inspire others into a life of missions this will be forgotten. When you partner with Travel the Road, we stand together, preaching the Gospel to the unreached and encouraging the church to be active in the Great Commission.


My name is Gosia, and for the past 2 months I have been translating your show for Polish television (TBN Poland). I just wanted to personally thank you for making the show. Working on it has been such a blessing! God speaks to me through every episode, and I am always very encouraged. I have always felt that God has called me to missions. Now I feel, that through working on TTR God has yet again confirmed my calling. What you do is incredible. So keep the good work and know, that it really works and speaks to people.  — Gosia

Travel The Road has encouraged me in my walk with Jesus and in completing the mission that He has set before me. I am currently in the process of becoming a missionary to China and when I watch and hear about your ministry all over the world, it strengthens me to continue on. Thank you for obeying the call to serving Jesus our Lord wherever you are! You are truly a blessing! — Kendra

I recently came across your expeditions for the first time and have just begun watching season three. You men are an inspiration as you boldly share the Gospel in the utmost parts of the world. As a husband and father of three young children, watching the work you both are doing has led me to evaluate my own life’s work for God. May God continue to richly bless you with His grace. — Michael

I can never forget the first time I saw Travel the Road. I can home drunk at 2:30am one night. I was broke busted and disgusted with life, I turned on my black and white TV and the only channel that came in was the church channel and there you two were. I watched your episode and I fell on my knees and asked the Lord to do something with my life and to deliver me from all pain and the evil lifestyle I was living. I took the risk at that moment to call on Jesus Christ to do the impossible in my life and the Lord sure did. Praise God for the new life He blessed me with. May the Lord bless you and protect you wherever He leads you, you are in my prayers and one day I will see you in Heaven. — Troy

SUCH an amazing and inspiring program. The Lord used it so much in my life. This show is always there to remind me of the most important things, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I could not recommend this show enough to all believers AND especially non-believers. Tim & Will’s joyful attitudes during really hard times encourages me that whenever I am on mission to know that it is all worth it if someone hears the Gospel! Everyone should watch this, it will light your heart on fire for the Gospel. — Abby

My wife and I discovered this series several years ago on our own journey back into full time missions. It is an honest, real life look at missions work around the world and a source of great encouragement. Some nights we would want to watch one episode before bed and end up watching two or three. You may find your life changed by watching these as you evaluate your own calling and purpose. — M

As a homeschooling family we are very blessed by your show! Several of my children (and myself included) want to soon get on the road and be traveling missionaries! Thank you for all you do! God bless you all! — Alyssa

It is refreshing to see two fellow Christians serve Him so boldly and share their experiences in such an authentic (and excellent) way. The show is well shot and edited and the photography is first rate. Gorgeous. Anyway, I believe the authenticity of your work is what makes the stories you share so powerful. — Sara

I've been watching you guys for few years now and I want to honor you guys and tell you that you two are awesome Warriors in the kingdom of God. Your show inspires me all the time. I'm praying for you and your ministry. — Greg

I'm writing to this amazing ministry from South Africa. I have just watched a series on TBN about Haiti. I am so amazed, thankful and grateful as to what God has placed in your hearts and how our living God is working. I have lost faith over the last year or so and this year God has put a flame inside of me and I want to help and give my life as Christ has done for me. — J

I love this show, it touches my heart to the point of tears every time I watch it because of the heart you have for lost souls. I often weep for joy when I see those you bring the Gospel to receive it. I don’t have a television right now, but I try to watch what I can on youtube. I love you both and pray for you when I watch you. God bless you. — Lisa

I wanted to let you know how much your ministry means to 3 “older women”. We wanted a non-traditional Sunday school class and after trying several Bible studies on dvd, we began watching your season 1 video for a change. We can’t wait to get to church each Sunday to see how God has worked in your lives in the next scene. What brave and wonderful people you are! Our prayers are with you! Thank you for the work you do for our Lord!

I just saw some of your show on TBN. What I want to say to you is thank you, thank you, thank you for not only going on these trips but also for taping them and bringing them back to us here in the first world as a reality check. — Coleen

Guys I just want to encourage you. You are truly doing your purpose on the earth. There is nothing greater than sharing the gospel to the remote, I didn't even know some of them existed. I am deeply moved and I wanna do the same thing. — Airtel

When I was in Bible School during my first couple of years, a friend shared with me his copies of the Travel the Road seasons 1 and 2.  These films help to fan the flame of missions in my heart.  A few years later I made a survey trip to Kenya, Africa, and the Lord has now led myself and wife to serve in Kenya full-time. — Phil

My name is Loriann and this morning I was eating breakfast with my father in law that just so happened to be watching an episode of your show the time you guys visited the people of the Solomon Islands. It touched me deeply because I have this desire to help people but don't know where to start. I am from the Micronesian islands. A small little island from the Pacific. I just want to say God bless you both for the beautiful ministry you guys are doing for these people. May God continue to bless you both on this amazing journey. — Loriann


What a blessing it is to hear these great words! These testimonies, and the many others we receive, show the plentiful fruit of Travel the Road and it encourages us so much. We cherish you like family and know the best is yet to come. May the peace of the Lord be with you!

In Him,

Tim and Will