Travel the Road

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July 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends, Greetings in the Lord.  In the past month, we have begun our fifth major Gospel Expedition and know and believe God is going to accomplish great things on this new journey.  Our first stop has been in South-East Asia for trips to Vietnam and Thailand.  Next we will be heading to the South Pacific to minister to some of the most remote people groups on earth.

One of which is the Amazing tribe called the Korowi of West Papua.  They are unique in so many ways, but the most distinctive part of their lives is their living domiciles atop the trees.  Sometimes soaring above 40 feet, these tree houses afford the Korowi relief from the floods, insects, and rival clans.  This journey will no doubt be long and difficult, but to be able to preach the word of God to those who do not know will be a blessing.  Another journey we will undertake this coming year will be a trip to the Chernobyl area.  The Chernobyl region is well known for the nuclear reactor meltdown in ‘86 which left a huge amount of land and cities surrounding the disaster site unfit for human living.  The high amounts of radiation levels caused cancer, especially in young children, and took the lives of many.  Now, in 2011, most areas around Chernobyl are still unsafe for human residents, but some older citizens who once inhabited the region have decided to return to live out their final years.

Many of these residents are senior citizens who lived their whole lives under communist rule, which means they are very unaware of the message of the Gospel.  These elderly Ukrainians and Belarusians know the area they are living in is dangerous, but they also know they haven’t got long on earth either.  This mission is dangerous, not only for the exposure to radiation, but also because the Chernobyl area is filled with wild dogs and boars that are predatory in nature, even to humans, since the area has been deserted for so long.  Also, certain criminal factions use this area as smuggling routes and hideouts since they know police will not peruse them into radiation zones.

But with all the dangers and trails, we know that God will provide a way as he always does and afford an opportunity to preach word of God boldly.  People are waiting for the word, we just need to get there in time!  Other journeys on this fifth Gospel Expedition will include the Vanuatu: Cargo Cults, Hill Tribes of Indonesia, Andaman island contact, Nenets of Russian Arctic, Hmong of Vietnam, Myanmar Burma (Free Burma Rangers), Honey Hunters of Nepal, Himba of Namibia, and many more.

Each of these journeys is meant to reach out to the most distant, remote, and suffering peoples of the world to bring the message of hope and salvation.  This is what we have dedicated our lives to doing, and we know that God will provide a path to present the Gospel in every village and situation.  Your support directly enables us to venture to these people groups and present the word of God!  Your prayers prepare the hearts and protect our lives, and your support supplies the means to get there.  Looking back, we have seen the most amazing things in over 75 countries that we have traveled to, and this year on the road will be just as amazing.  We want to send a special thank you to those who have supported via our website and mail-in support and to those who give anonymously - thank you. Your support is a wonderful answer to  prayer!  Together we can reach the world with the Gospel.  Together we are making a difference!  Peace be with you.

In Him,

Tim and Will


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Monument, CO 80132