Travel the Road - 4 Book Collection


Travel the Road - 4 Book Collection


Get all 4 of Travel the Road's books; Prayers that Prevail, In Him Realities, Handbook for the Work of the Holy Spirit and End Times by Dr. Alan Scott.

Save $11 by buying this combo set rather than each book individually. 

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Prayers that Prevail: A Study on the Different Types of Prayer Introducing Travel the Road's first book.  Prayers that Prevail. This is a must have for any believer, as it covers the many types of prayer and how to make them effective. In it you will discover the secret to an energized prayer life and how to pray according to the word of God.  

If you have ever faced the hardship of not know how to pray or not seeing your prayers answered, this book will get you back on track. Scripture is clear on the various types of prayer, but many times believers have not been taught, through the word, what those types are and how to make them effective. Now you will!

Prayer is important! Now you can learn how to prevail through it!

In Him Realities: Introducing In Him Realities book. Knowing and understanding who you are in Christ Jesus is a paramount and foundational teaching every believer needs to know. Find out what Christ is accomplishing for us at the throne; what he accomplished at the cross; and what the word of your confession can accomplish in your life now. Also study the identification between Adam (the old man) and Christ Jesus (the new man). Know what it means to stand upon the word of God by realizing your authority in Christ. In Him Realities is a fantastic, Word-based resource to sharpen your spirit and awaken your heart to a new life IN HIM. 

Hand Book for the Work of the Holy Spirit is a guide to understanding the full and true power of the Holy Spirit. Discover subjects like Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Understanding the purpose of speaking in tongues, Pentecost and the power of the Spirit for the church age, and much more. This book is vital for learning how to operate in the gifts of the spirit and how to use those gifts in ministry as well as personal prayer life. A great apologetic work on the Holy Spirit.  

End Times - Bible prophecy expert Alan Scott, PhD, offers an easy-to-understand yet in-depth chronological explanation of End Times events. The subjects of this book are partitioned into four end-times themes: The Second Coming of Christ for the ChurchThe Great TribulationThe Millennial Reign of Christ, and The Seven Churches of Revelation. Each section is a detailed description of the Biblical events in an outline format that includes maps and timelines to assist the reader. This book is a master compendium constructed through years of painstaking research and is a valuable asset to those who want to know more about the End Times.